the first one is getting along well with others . まずは「社交性」です
i have a partner i'm currently getting along well with . そういう いい雰囲気になってる 相手がいるからさ。
getting along well with the employees 従業員と うまいこと やるのも➡
but it looks like takumi is getting along well with junichikun . だけどね 拓海は 潤一くんと仲いいみたいで➡
are you getting along well with kyutaro ? お待ち合わせですか?
yeah , well , recently , i haven't been getting along well with the boss . いや どうも 最近 ボスと しっくり行かないのよね。
but , well , you were getting along well with kaorukosan just now . getting along well with kaorukosan is a given , right ? でも ほら。 さっき 薫子さんと いい雰囲気だったよ?
but , well , you were getting along well with kaorukosan just now . getting along well with kaorukosan is a given , right ? でも ほら。 さっき 薫子さんと いい雰囲気だったよ?
but , well , you were getting along well with kaorukosan just now . getting along well with kaorukosan is a given , right ? でも ほら。 さっき 薫子さんと いい雰囲気だったよ?
though he took sides with serizawa group due to their hometown mito , he was also getting along well with okita and todo from the kondo group because of his innocent character and it is considered that he was kept in sumiya on purpose . 水戸出身であることから芹沢一派に与していたものの、素朴な人柄から近藤派の沖田や藤堂とも仲がよく、粛清の際にわざと角屋に引き止められた、という解釈である。